Top 10 YouTubers I Actually Like
Despite how much I complain about the state of YouTube, there are still YouTubers that I actually like, so in this unironic top 10 list, I’ll be sharing what some of those YouTubers are. My only rule for this list is, the channels have to have less than 1 million subscribers.
10- Keksi
Oh look at that, an anituber! I don’t really watch that many anitubers anymore. I used to watch Joey and Gigguk when I was in high school, then I watched a bit of Digibro before his falling out. Some people really hate anitubers, but I have a bit of a soft spot for them. Joey stopped being entertaining to me long ago (he’s kinda like the MTV of anitube, in the sense that his content sort of drifted away from what it used to be), Gigguk still puts out bangers from time to time, and the less we talk about Digibro, the better. Keksi however, is different from all of these anitubers. He manages to spice up the genre by covering more niche topics and using a lot of ironic humor. Some of his videos are more serious “video essays” about anime, but some of his other videos are more on the Animeniaks shitpostey side (anybody know what happened to that guy?).
Recommended watch:
9- BritMonkey
Is it possible to be a redpilled liberal? If there was such a thing as a redpilled liberal, BritMonkey would probably be it. Redpilled of course meaning that you’re aware of “the cathedral”. BritMonkey has shown some remorse towards mass surveillance before, and even made a whole video about it, pretty based and redpilled. However, unlike most people aware of the cathedral, BritMonkey isn’t a rooftop Korean boogaloo libertarian, he’s more like a progressive from the early 20th century.
Recommended watch:
8- Glink
Glink mainly makes two types of videos, video essays, and on the ground video journalism. Sometimes, he’ll even combine the two! Glink’s older content was more “nerd hobby” focused, talking about various internet phenomena, anime, and video games. Then around 2020 his content became more about showcasing harsh truths about the world. Sprinkled in-between are more philosophical videos about finding a purpose in life. You’re never entirely sure what you’re going to get with Glink, all you know is, it’ll leave you thinking about things that you weren't thinking about before.
Recommended watch:
7- MagicMush
One of the things I hate about modern YouTube is how so much content just feels like AI generated slop with no care or passion behind it, that’s why seeing a channel like MagicMush in 2023 feels very nostalgic. He reminds me of the YouTubers I used to watch back in 2016, but obviously with a lot less edge. MagicMush is clearly having fun with his videos, and that’s what makes them so good! He’s actually funny! His video topics are basically whatever he feels like talking about, but it’s not the topics that makes his videos good, it’s the videos themselves, or rather, it’s his ability to entertain!
Recommended watch:
6- Rebel Taxi
Rebel Taxi (or Pan Pizza as his character is called) is a YouTuber that, in my opinion, doesn’t get the recognition he deserves. I discovered his channel way back in 2013 through his “Top 10 worst cartoon network moments” video, which means I’ve been watching this guy for a little over 10 years now… (Jesus FUCKING Christ!). Rebel Taxi mainly talks about cartoons, with the occasional video about video games. Yeah, yeah, I know there’s hundreds of channels like that, but Rebel Taxi is a pioneer in the modern incarnation of this genre. He was doing the whole voice recording with an OC avatar edited in with various expressions thing, way before I saw anyone else doing it! And now this video format is a staple of the internet. Yet despite him (possibly) creating this video format, and being on the platform for so long, he hasn’t even managed to crack 500k subs! That is just unacceptable. Now it’s not like he’s an obscure channel. Many other cartoon YouTubers site him as an influence, and in general he’s pretty well-known in the online cartoon community, but seeing as how his influence goes even beyond the cartoon community, he deserves to be mentioned more. He’s influenced many YouTubers who went on to be much bigger than him, he’s even influenced me! I use that “avatar representing what I say” format in my videos! And, he’s where my love of the 2000s and the y2k aesthetic comes from!
Recommended watch:
5- Graymads
Nostalgic imagery, spooky vibes, and nu-metal, those are three words that describe Graymads, and what an amazing combination of things! Graymads mainly talks about music, but he’ll occasionally talk about other things he’s interested in, such as video games, and your typical internet shit. Graymads very clearly loves horror, hard music, and the 2000s (he’s just like me fr). He also very clearly lurks on “that side of the internet”, the outsider side, the non-corporate side, the unsanitized 4chan/kiwifarms side, if you know what I mean. So if emo rock video essays with windows xp graphics, silent hill background music and a cynical 4chan sense of humor is your thing, give Graymads a shot! I should also mention that he releases original music under the name of “Madison Gray”.
Recommended watch:
4- E;R
Yes, you read that right, E;R is one of favorite YouTubers! And if you have a problem with that, then click off. So for those of you who don’t know who he is, E;R is like the edgelord younger brother of RebelTaxi who spends way too much time on 4chan. He’s unapologetic, unfiltered, cynical, and has an incredibly edgy sense of humor. His video topics mainly consist of movie and TV show rants, but with crime statistics and earrapes sprinkled in. He pushes the boundaries for YouTube’s TOS. Half the time it almost seems like he doesn’t even care if his channel gets taken down or not (though I really hope it doesn’t). He made a review of Steven universe that got him on the crosshairs of the Steven Universe community, and also of YouTube. That review has been taken down and reuploaded so many times that it’s probably at the top of the most wanted list of YouTube’s anti-hate speech AI.
Recommended watch:
3- ShaiiValley
ShaiiValley is another one of these “everything” channels that talks a bit about everything, but his primary interests seems to be lost media and internet mysteries. If you’ve ever watched YouTubers like blameitonjorge or LSuperSonicQ then you know what you’re in for. One topic ShaiiValley seems to be passionate about is lostwave, aka, songs that we don’t know the origin of. It was thanks to him that I learned about “Everyone Knows That”, a lostwave song that has been living in my head rent free for the past few months now.
Recommended watch:
2- ibz
Ibz is a commentary YouTuber that makes short and funny videos about pretty much whatever he feels like. Just like MagicMush, his content feels somewhat nostalgic to me, reminding me a bit of 2016 era Aztrosist. His editing style is very Gen Z and overstimulating, it’s like a halfway point between leafyishere and YouTube poops. Hundreds of jokes and memes flashing before you at every second, lots of quick cuts and earrapes, etc. Don’t really have much more to say, his videos are best experienced by just watching rather than by having someone explaining them.
Recommended watch:
1- AlienMyth64
And here we are, the holy grail of underrated YouTubers! AlienMyth64 is a genuinely hilarious skit and animation channel. His videos feel like they’re straight out of the late 2000s or early 2010s, along the lines of Smosh and Nigahiga. He has a few reoccurring characters like Squidward’s house, Emobob, alien, and cat. His jokes are clever and very creative! His videos can get a bit weird, but in a good way! Honestly, the only downside to his channel is his lack of an upload schedule. He uploads like two videos per year, which is probably why he’s never had mainstream success, but you know what? I’d rather him take his time making his videos, than to have him crank out a bunch of soulless slop in an attempt to make a profit. Oh and by the way, when I said his videos feel like they’re straight out of the late 2000s or early 2010s, that was a COMPLIMENT!
Recommended watch:
Honorable mentions:
These YouTubers didn’t make it into the list because they broke my “less than 1 million subs” rule
last updated on 11/26/23